Fulling Mill Fly Tying Competition

With the growing interest in Fly Tying and the Fly Tying Lessons we now run on Mondays we have decided to launch a Fly Tying Competition in 2025. WE are delighted that Fulling Mill have offered to sponsor us and have offered a generous prize for the two classes.
The Robertson Trophy is the Open Class and the trophy is in appreciation for all the support and fly tying materials donated to the Club by Alan Robertson
The Hurren Trophy is for the Novice Class in recognition of the support and teaching that Roger Hurren offers the club.
Full details of the competition have been circulated across the club, with the date for submission being Monday 16th February and the results will be announced as apart of the Winter Program on the 25th February. If any one needs more information please contact Christopher Faulkner – 07921 940836 or captain@gwffa.co.uk